What is Spelt?
Spelt, also known as “Gaul’s wheat”, is a cereal, a plant from the Poaceae family, in close resemblance to wheat but is kept dressed (the grain is kept in its shell when harvesting). It is the ancestor of wheat, which was consumed by the Gauls. We can trace it back to 9000 B.C!
Spelt is a rustic grain, which demands little water, yields are small and does not support fertilizer. This is the reason it lost appeal long ago and has been replaced by wheat. Not only is the grain covered in a shell representing 30% of its weight, it requires shelling once it has been beaten. For those seeking highly economical yields, spelt fell short.
Spelt was rediscovered for its high nutrition and protein qualities. Although it has been completely forgotten by its varietal selections, its gluten content is of much better quality than that of today’s wheat; generally better tolerated by those who suffer from gluten intolerances.
Its potential pertains principally from it’s energetic content: 375 kcal for 100g! it’s efforts cereal by excellence! Rich in magnesium (1320mg for 100g) and is an excellent anti-stress food. Offering a good supply of calcium as well (equivalent to 2 large glasses of milk for 100g) and also contains the eight essential amino acids.